Skin Reborn Rejuvenating Set

  • $20.00
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What's inside the box ❓
✨Kojic Soap 150g
✨Facial Solution 60mL
✨Rejuvenating Cream 10g
✨Sun Block Cream 10g

🧡 Prevents breakout
🧡 Treat Acne
🧡 Exfoliate dead skin cells
🧡 Removes deep seated dirt
🧡 Whiten and lighten dark spots, acne marks, and other skin discoloration and pigmentation
🧡Reduce fine lines
🧡 Controls oiliness without drying your skin
🧡 Pinkish glow effect and naturally rosy glow complexion.

How to use ❓
🌙 Night time - Kojic Soap -> Facial Solution -> Rejuvenating Cream
☀️ Day Time - (Use ice) -> Kojic Soap -> Sun Block Cream

Soap Add on? Check variations for Kojic soap best paired with the rejuv set.

Kojic soap 118grams (NOT SKIN REBORN SOAP!!!)

Just Remember: Healthy skin is not an overnight process. Just be patient and adapt the changes slowly into your skin.

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